Saturday, October 10, 2009

Being Transformed

Sometimes being transformed, the process of sanctification that ever conforms me to the image of Christ Jesus, is painful.

The Lord is my Strength, my Song, and He is my Salvation! Exodus 15:2

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Stepping Up!

A faithful group of ladies from my church are studying the Psalms of Ascents, in a Beth Moore study called "Stepping Up!" It has been a delightful and detailed look into Psalms 120-134. I stand amazed at the accuracy of Scripture down to the last and smallest details. The amazing knowledge gleaned from this study is the way that the Word of God continually points to Christ and His finished work on the cross of Calvary. I am so grateful for God's salvation in my life and for the substitutionary death of Christ on the cross that paid the penalty for my sin, redeemed me, and resurrected me to new life in Christ!

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, the whole earth is full of His glory!

Sola Deo Gloria!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

News and Updates

Well, as I glanced at my blog and the last posting date, I realized that I must have been very busy since the first of May. The princess tea party was a delightful blessing in the lives of over 200 little girls at FBCJ, praise the Lord. So May and the first week of June were spent on getting ready for the tea party.

The remainder of June was spent having all of the damages to our home repaired, today one of the last two projects will be completed, the fish pond in the courtyard. After that, we are only lacking gutters. It has been quite a ride these past four months with the house, but it looks like we have had a total makeover outside and I am grateful for that.

Broken has been my theme, not by choice, for the past four months. It all started with the $25,000.00 of hail damage to our home back in February. All of this work has been tedious and time consuming. In that period of time the following items have either been broken in some way and have required repair or replacement:

House - roof, exterior stucco, gutters
Swimming pool drains
dryer - 3 months of going to the laundrymat
Lydia's car
My car had the transmission replaced two weeks ago
personal health - bladder, colon, hernia
air conditioner leaks and ruined the ceiling on the second floor (needs repair)

I am sure there is more, but it has been a trying time. What have I learned? In the words of Job from the Bible, "though He slay me, yet I will serve Him".
God is faithful, trustworthy, the giver of peace, and truly "my strength, my song, and he has become my Salvation!" Exodus 15:2

Thanking God today that I can see light at the end of the tunnel and praying for some calm - NORMAL - in my life.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Princess Tea Party!

Daughters of the King, come let's celebrate our royal positions as princesses!

HEAR YE, HEAR YE! All of the princesses of the land are cordially invited to a Princess Tea Party on June 6th, 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., First Baptist Church of Jonesboro, Recreational Outreach Center.

Ages 3 and Up are invited - Guests under 5 must be accompanied by a ticketed adult.

Tickets $5.00 and go on sale May 1 on the website, and at the Women of Purpose table in St. James Place on Sunday mornings.

This 2nd Annual Princess Tea Party is hosted by the women's minstry and pre-school/children's ministry of the church. If you would like to volunteer to assist with decorating, set up, or food preparations for the tea party, please contact Leanne Farman at or stop by the table and put your name on the sign up sheet.

Please spread the word and invite your neighbors and friends.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's Tough Being a Woman...............

Tonight is the final night of an eleven week Bible study of the book of Esther. This study entitled "Esther - It's tough being a woman" is in my opinion the best of all of the Beth Moore studies. Throughout the verse by verse study of the book of Esther, God has shown our group many wonderful truths and brought much comfort and hope through these difficult days that we are experiencing as a country and as individuals.

To summarize this study the following is a summary of what God is teaching me:

Even though God does not literally appear on the pages of the book of Esther, His providential presence is there.

Providence belongs to the Creator of the Universe, our Holy God.
Purpose for my life requires seeking and obeying God in all things.

The answer to all questions, dilemmas, and troubles in life boil down to GOD.

God, alone, causes the reversal of destiny in the life of His children.

It is tough being a woman........... the shadow of another woman, a world where beauty is a treatment, a mean world,
....thrown a giant sized weight, the tight fist of fear,
....who can balance passion with patience,
....who feels responsible for the "how",

But, God turns tough situations into destiny...........

....No one can out shadow God's shadow,
....God makes everything beautiful in his time
....In a mean world, believers are called to a good fight,
....God always has the upper hand, exchange your burden for a spiritual weapon,
....Every time you are in a tight fist of fear, remember you are in something tighter - the hand of God,
....Don't waste the wait,"blessed are those who wait for God."
....TRUST God for the "how"!

Praise God for His comforting truth and providential peace, even when it is really tough being a woman! A thank you to Beth Moore for her faithfulness to study and teach God's word.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Radical Obedience 2009

Through him and for his name's sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith. And you also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ. - Romans 1:5-6

The heart of women’s ministry at First Baptist Church of Jonesboro, in 2009, will be to encourage the women in our fellowship and in our circles of influence to learn how to become more obedient in our walk with Christ. The scripture teaches that God is not only calling you to a life of obedience, but He wants you to pursue holiness.

Women of all ages are invited to be apart of this exciting journey as we search the scriptures to learn what can happen in our lives as we begin to say yes to God. Dr. Henry Blackaby says that “knowing and experiencing God is a progressive endeavor that depends on obedience.”

On the 3rd Thursday of each month, we will meet in the Celebration Room of the ROC for a time of Bible study and fellowship that we are calling Radical Obedience. At 6:30pm we will gather for a light supper and then spend an hour in Bible study. Each self-contained lesson will be led by a different teacher from our church family, followed by a time of discussion. The workbook guide for this study is entitled “A Woman’s Guide to Personal Holiness” written by Dr. Rhonda H. Kelley

Our first gathering for Radical Obedience was last Thursday night and it was great! On one of the coldest nights of the year, almost 100 women gathered at the church to fellowship together and study God's word.

Some of the teaching highlights are listed below, for complete notes see our church website at

Isaiah 6:3 “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!”

R.C. Sproul states in his book The Holiness of God:

"Understanding that God is Holy is basic to our whole understanding of God and Christianity. What we understand about His person, His character and His attributes affect every aspect of our lives. Therefore, we must seek to understand what holy is. There can be no worship, no spiritual growth, and no true obedience without it. It defines our goal as Christians." The first mention of the word holy found in the Bible is in Lev. 11:44, God declared, “Be holy, because I am holy”

So you may be thinking what on earth does our women’s ministry theme for 2009, Radical Obedience, mean exactly? As God began to impress this idea on my heart last February, I began searching the scriptures to see if there was a formula or a recipe that was outlined to help us become not just obedient but instantly, immediately, radically obedient to God. The Holy Spirit led me to an in-depth study of Psalm 119.

As I began outlining that chapter, a pattern began to develop that continued to point towards total obedience to God in very practical ways. I quickly saw that in order to be obedient to God in every way, we must begin to pursue holiness!

I believe with my whole heart that God is calling His children to a new place of total trust and obedience, especially in this day and age that we live. So I truly believe that the Holy Spirit of God is working in the hearts of believers all over this world to call us to a new, more focused walk of obedience.

You might be thinking, “is she crazy……..obedience is one thing, radical obedience is another.” Well I am convinced that just a little bit of obedience is not enough, we must be wholeheartedly sold out to first seek God as Moses did and then purpose in our hearts to obey Him with an immediate urgency.

Let me give you an example, if you are married and the man you married came home one day and said, “honey, you know I love you and I want to always be faithful to you in our marriage.” Then you asked him, “What does faithful mean to you?” If he replied, “most of the time faithful, almost always I want to be faithful, or I will be faithful 50% of the time, for sure,” what would be your response to him? My response would be, “you have got to be kidding, you are either going to be faithful or else……”

Is it not the same with God when we choose a little obedience, or obedience most of the time or we want to be obedient, but it is just too hard? Ladies, whining before the Lord God Almighty about obedience is not a pretty picture.
I believe that Isaiah 52:1-2 is so applicable for where we need to stand today as believing women:

Awake, awake O daughters of Zion, put on your beautiful garments….shake the dust off your feet, arise, loose yourself from the bonds around your neck or whatever is holding you back?

Proclaiming, Habakkuk 3:9, “the Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery and my invincible army, He makes my feet like hinds fee and will make me to walk (not stand still in terror, but to walk and make spiritual progress upon my high places of trouble, suffering or responsibility.”

We are being called to walk in a place of radical obedience to our Most Holy God, proclaiming that He alone is Holy and you will march forward in the victory, promises and provision that He has made for His beloved as we seek Him with our whole heart. The whole heart issues include simple principles that we will explore during our time together this year, these are found in Psalm 119:2:

Keeping His testimonies
• Seeking our Holy God continually
• Asking Him to show us His glory and His will for our lives
• Craving God alone with our whole heart.

As we follow these principles of pursuing holiness and walking in obedience then the scriptures tell us that we will be blessed and happy.

Holiness = Obedience = Holiness

As you reflect in the weeks ahead on the majesty of God who is HOLY, I would challenge you to begin asking yourself this question:

What does it mean for me to be holy?

Next month, we will look more closely at being a “holy people” in light of the Holy God that we serve.

May God bless you as you walk in obedience to His commands, today, tomorrow and in the days to come!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

This is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad!" I can hardly believe that 2009 is here, primarily because I have not recovered from 2008. I thank God for every new day and new year, today is no different.

Our family has a tradition that instead of making New Year's resolutions, we choose to make a list of everything we are thankful for and then pray to seek God's direction for the days ahead.

With each new year comes uncertainty. We never know exactly what tomorrow holds, but we can know for sure that God is sovereign and at work to accomplish His will and purpose in our lives. I am so very thankful for that truth. Our health may decline, our job may change, we may face death or any number of "uncertainties"........but God never changes, His word is always Truth, His love is perfect, His righteousness unchanging, He is just and Holy!

Jonathan Edwards was a great pastor, recently Nancy DeMoss shared on her radio show that she "discovered not too long ago a series of 70 resolutions that were written by Jonathan Edwards. He, as you know, was a great pastor and Christian thinker and leader -- one of the men God used in a significant way in the first Great Awakening here in the United States.

In his memoirs we have a list of 70 resolutions that he made over a period of a couple of years. I did not know until recently that all these resolutions were written by the time he was 20 years of age."

He said, "Resolved, never to do any manner of thing, whether in soul or body, but what tends to the glory of God."

"Resolved, that I will do whatsoever I think to be most to the glory of God"¦Resolved to do so, whatever difficulties I meet with, no matter how many or how great those difficulties."

He said, "No matter what happens in my life, no matter what I face, no matter how hard it is -- I want to live my life for the glory of God." Isn't that what the apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:31? "Whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we are to do everything for the glory of God." (paraphrased)

You say, "How does this live out -- this matter of living to the glory God?" Some of his resolutions show the very practical way he envisioned living life for the glory of God. For example in his use of time he said, "Resolved, never to lose one moment of time, but to improve it [or use it or maximize it] in the most profitable way I possibly can."

He realized that one day in eternity he would be giving account to God for how he used his time here on earth. He wanted to be able to look back and to say, "God I have glorified You with what I did with the moments that You gave me here on earth." He wanted to live wholeheartedly.

He knew this would bring glory to God. So there's a sense of earnestness that comes through in these resolutions. He said, "Resolved, to live with all my might, while I do live."

Can you imagine most of us thinking that way? Once we settle the issue -- that it's not about me; it's not about my convenience; it's not about my comfort; it's not about my happiness -- but all that matters is that God is glorified, that He is pleased with my life. Then we can endure and bear up under circumstances and challenges that we might not otherwise be able to face -- if we know that my sole purpose for living is to bring glory to God. So Edwards resolved to live purposely.

As part of that, we then see that he resolved to live a growing life, not just to stay where he was spiritually, but to keep pressing on, to keep seeking new heights in his relationship with the Lord.

He knew that the study of the Scripture was an important part of living a growing life, and that was how he would bring glory to God. He said, "Resolved, to study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly, and frequently that I may find"¦myself to grow in the knowledge of the same.

Edwards said, "I'm resolved to strive every week to be brought higher [spiritually], and to a higher level of grace, than I was the week before." That's a challenge to me. As I was reading his resolutions last night I found myself wondering, "Am I further ahead spiritually this week than I was this time last week?"

How about you? Have you grown in grace, in your knowledge of Christ, in your knowledge of His Word in the last week? Have you grown in the last months?

Think about where you were a year ago. As you look back over this past year, can you say, "I've grown spiritually. I know more of the heart and the ways of God. I've grown in grace. I'm not where I want to be. I'm not where, by God's grace, I'm going to be, but by God's grace, I'm further in my walk with Him and in my ability to glorify Him than I was this time last year."

Do you love Him more? Do you know Him more? Are you pleasing Him more with your life? Are you growing in your walk with God?

Have you settled the issue? Edwards did. He settled the issue, "The purpose of my life is to bring glory to God, and that's all that really matters."

Have you settled that issue? If you haven't, then life will be for you one non-ending wrestling match -- resenting, resisting, struggling with the circumstances that come into your life.

But if you say, "Lord, all that matters to me is that You are pleased, that my life reveals to this world what You are like"¦." It was one of the Wesleys who said that our job here on earth is to give the world a right opinion about God.

That's what Edwards was saying. "I want with all my might, in the way I use my time, in all of the details and circumstances of my life, I want to shed great glory on who God is.
Excerpt taken from

So, whether you read Edwards list of 70 New Year's Resolutions or you choose to just make a quiet list of all of the things you are thankful for and pray that your life would serve the purpose God has intended to accomplish through you here on earth.........I challenge you to take the time to put God first place in your life, your home and your family in 2009! Happy New Year!