Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

Well, my recent twelve day stay in north Florida has made the familiar chant from The Wizard of Oz", Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my.... take on new meaning.

Let me explain...My sister lives in Florida on a river. For years now I have been worried about the safety of her children living, swimming and playing in the river. Historically, I have fretted over the thought of alligators attacking one of them, as many of their family pets have disappeared. Four years ago, during another visit, two snakes greeted me on the stairway to the house.

Then a few months ago, I learned about sturgeon. A prehistoric fish that swims in the river and jumps into the air, often injuring boaters and swimmers. This weirdly armored fish throws a punch that is equivalent to being hit with 100 pounds of pressure, breaking limbs, causing concussions and serious damage to humans who are hit by them.

If that wasn't enough, last week when leaving her driveway around dusk a bigbear crossed the dirt road about 10 feet in front of my car. As I turned the corner onto the next road, our little bear friend stopped to watch the car. Wow, it was the second time in my life I have had a bear cross a road in front of my vehicle, but never as close to a home. Just the thought of a bear encounter is a little scary.

This weeks bear encounter has made me even more concerned about my sister's family and their safety. Alligators and Sturgeon and Bears, oh my!

The real truth is that we live in a world filled with darkness and danger all around. The scripture says that "the devil roams around like a roaring lion, seeking who he may devour." Whether the danger is real, visible, not visible or danger that we can not even recognize, it still exists all around us. As believers, we must daily ask God to place us in His protection, to guard our hearts and minds, to keep us from evil, and to make us aware of the evil one.

My prayer today is that I would never become lax about the evil of this world and the evil one who wants to destroy, and that God would protect and keep my family, friends and those I love. "But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you." Psalm 5:11

P.S. I am also thanking God for my home in the city!

Monday, July 7, 2008


These past weeks have been filled with fun, family, fellowship and a full schedule to say the least. Since my last post of the Princess Tea Party, our family has spent a week in Columbus, Georgia at the 2008 Miss Georgia Pageant. Our oldest daughter competed for the title of Miss Georgia. It was a great week! Not only did Lydia show up with her very best A game and perform beautifully every night, but we were blessed to get to spend the week with my immediate family, and throughout the course of the week we were able to have short visits with some very dear friends and from over the years.

It is always a humbling experience when people that you love drive long distances to participate in an event that is important to those you love. Visiting with old friends reminds me of God's faithfulness and goodness in our lives. As a self-proclaimed over achiever, I am always moving forward with the next goal or project in my life. Occasionally, it is very good for me to STOP and look back at God's faithfulness and where He what He has brought us through.

The house is quiet this morning, as the girls have returned to their respective colleges to begin a new school year. Gracie, our sweet little grand dog is back in Athens, where she belongs, Bruce is always at work, the house is clean and organized and I am left with my thoughts. Before I turn the page on the next chapter of my life, I just wanted to pause and thank God for His goodness and mercy to me and for allowing me to experience the joy of these past few weeks. Joy comes in many shapes and forms, but I am most grateful for the joy of family, friends, and the unfailing love and faithfulness of my Great God!