Wednesday, July 22, 2009

News and Updates

Well, as I glanced at my blog and the last posting date, I realized that I must have been very busy since the first of May. The princess tea party was a delightful blessing in the lives of over 200 little girls at FBCJ, praise the Lord. So May and the first week of June were spent on getting ready for the tea party.

The remainder of June was spent having all of the damages to our home repaired, today one of the last two projects will be completed, the fish pond in the courtyard. After that, we are only lacking gutters. It has been quite a ride these past four months with the house, but it looks like we have had a total makeover outside and I am grateful for that.

Broken has been my theme, not by choice, for the past four months. It all started with the $25,000.00 of hail damage to our home back in February. All of this work has been tedious and time consuming. In that period of time the following items have either been broken in some way and have required repair or replacement:

House - roof, exterior stucco, gutters
Swimming pool drains
dryer - 3 months of going to the laundrymat
Lydia's car
My car had the transmission replaced two weeks ago
personal health - bladder, colon, hernia
air conditioner leaks and ruined the ceiling on the second floor (needs repair)

I am sure there is more, but it has been a trying time. What have I learned? In the words of Job from the Bible, "though He slay me, yet I will serve Him".
God is faithful, trustworthy, the giver of peace, and truly "my strength, my song, and he has become my Salvation!" Exodus 15:2

Thanking God today that I can see light at the end of the tunnel and praying for some calm - NORMAL - in my life.