Sunday, September 30, 2007

10 things that make me happy!

I just sat down after a very busy morning at church to read my emails and my friend Dianne's blog. Her last posting was a challenge to "list 10 things that make you happy!" There are thousands of things that I could list that I am grateful for, but I have developed a slight headache as I begin to list the things that make me happy. Here goes my attempt to be honest, it seems that words like fun, happy, and even the old fashioned word "giddy" are not descriptive of my life---more descriptive would be words like serious-minded, focused, diligent and driven.

1. My girls coming home from college for the weekend.
2. Finding a really great item from an antique store.
3. Riding in my husband's convertible in fall or spring weather.
4. Thanksgiving at my Aunt Janet's house.
5. Eating my favorite Mexican dinner with my daddy in Tifton.
6. Decorating the Living Christmas Tree at church and sitting back to see it when the lights are on and the choir is singing.
7. Yelling across the street "good morning" to Jordan before she goes to school from my front door.
8. Sitting down to drink a cup of coffee in a perfectly cleaned house.
9. Watching the cardinals in the courtyard because they remind me of my mama.
10. Observing the moment when the Truth of God's word becomes real in the life of another person.

Once, I started it is not that difficult to think of ten things that make me happy. So do it for yourself, I challenge you to sit down and write out the first ten things that come to your mind, then keep writing for the next week, you may realize that you are happier than you think.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

We can make a difference!

This past Thursday I was afforded a wonderful opportunity. If you read this blog, you will remember that on August 10th, I attended a Beth Moore conference in Atlanta, and posted the Comfort Prayer that I prayed that day. Little did I know or understand, just how far God can move one out of their "comfort" zone.

My normal comfort zone is living in a quite town in the suburbs, taking care of my home and almost grown children, talking to my daddy on the phone daily, volunteering at my church in women's ministry and teaching Bible studies. Out of my normal comfort zone is spending time with a lady who is in the county jail on drug charges.

For months a dear sweet man in my church has been inviting me to go to the local jail with him to visit this gal that he had been ministering to. Because this was way out of my comfort zone, I chose to put him off and give any valid excuse possible. Last Sunday morning, he came by the women's ministry table and said very quietly over the crowd of ladies buying tickets for a luncheon, "she has been sentenced and if you don't come with me to visit her soon, she will be sent off to state prison." Without a thought, I said sure, I will meet you on Thursday morning.

Monday's are spent preparing to teach two different Bible studies on Tuesday.
Tuesday's are spent at the church teaching and organizing women's ministry.
Wednesday's are house cleaning days...................and then came Thursday morning.

I must be honest that Thursday was going to be a busy day with a dinner meeting at the church and I was looking for any excuse possible to NOT go to the jail. But the Holy Spirit really convicted me about the "Comfort Prayer", so I made the call to the minister and prepared to meet him in 2 hours.

During that time, I became somewhat anxious just because I didn't know what to expect. Being the researcher that I am, in between showering, dressing and packing my car to decorate for the dinner-- I went on-line and listened to 2 sermons about sharing the gospel, checked out the Prison Fellowship website on prison ministry, and called a friend for advice who is in prison ministry.

As I jumped in the car to rush off and make the 30 minute trip to the jail, the Holy Spirit impressed something on my heart, "what are you so anxious for, you know that if God is calling you to do something - He will equip you to do what He is calling you to do." For me at that point, this entire exercise was about my OBEDIENCE!

Arriving on time at the jail, I met the pastor who went into the jail with me. There are all kinds of proceedures that you must follow: what to wear, what to lock up, what you may or may not take in with you, etc. I soon realized that I might be a bit over dressed, but God used that in spite of me to witness to two ladies.

Once inside the jail, we made the final check point and walked down the longest, most desolent corridor that I have ever seen. Trying to avoid a wet floor on one side very tightly we made our way to a door that had numbers on it. We took a sharp turn towards the door and opened it to a very sterile room with a glass wall in front of us. I am not sure what I had pictured in my mind before that moment, but the reality of being in an unfamiliar room about to meet a total stranger through a glass wall was very surreal.

Through an intercom we requested the incarserated lady and waited for her to come. After a few moments passed, a door on the floor below us opened and a very nice looking lady came bouncing through the door, looking up with a huge smile on her face. The elderly pastor that I was with said, "there she is" and began waving furiously. As she approached the cubicle, behind the glass wall, I could see the excitement on her face. He took the phone receiver from the wall and said hello to her and then handed me the phone.

About 2 seconds of silence was followed by one of the most humbling statements that anyone has ever spoken to me in all of my life, she said "hey, I have been waiting to meet you for months, I am so glad that you are here." At that moment, nothing else mattered except focusing on the God-given moment that I might have to make a differnce in this little ladies' life.

Normal prison visits are limited to 30 minutes, but for the next 90 minutes we were undisturbed and I listened to her story, and shared the Truth of the scripture with her as honestly and openly as I have ever shared before. She professes to be a believer and desires to overcome the sins of the flesh and spirit in her life. When our time together was done, the blessing was mine! What a morning!

Please don't miss the blessings God has in store for you. If He is calling you out of your comfort zone, it may not be for the benefit of the one to whom you minister, it might just be for your benefit!

Friday, September 21, 2007

A Tribute - The Lord is my Shepherd!

1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

This afternoon, a precious saint went home to be with the Lord, Bev Maday. Her husband sent an email to many who had been faithfully praying for Bev since 2000 when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer. The email read:

Bev passed away today (Friday) at about 4:30pm. All of our family was at her bedside and we witnessed the entire 23 Psalm and we saw Bev walk fearlessly through the shadow of the valley of death. An amazing wife, mom, friend and Mimi. We will follow-up quickly with funeral celebration plans. Her last words were "To God be the Glory!"

Thanks for all your prayers.........God is Good and Great!

I received several phone calls to inform me of her passing and it was not until late this evening that I sat down to read the email that her husband sent shortly after her death. I began thinking about the 23rd Psalm. Such a familiar passage of scripture and so often taken for granted.

My mama passed away in October of 2004 and she had written her own 23rd Psalm which ministered to so many people at her funeral. I will share her 23rd later.

So what is this passage really saying to me, as I think and ponder this day.

In Christ there is completeness, I will never lack anything. He is the Shepherd that will leave the 99 and go searching for the one sheep that is lost. Praise God that He chose me and that I have been saved by faith alone in Christ alone!

As my Shepherd, Christ leads me, restores me, teaches me, rests me, strengthens me, directs my paths, provide for all of my needs according to His riches in glory.

If and when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, there will be nothing to fear, for Christ is the great Comforter! As the words of the song sung by Travis Cottrell says, "no guilt in life---no fear in death", may these words be said of me.

When trials come, and they will come, God goes before me to prepare the way. And He not only prepares the way or the table before me, the anointing oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit given to me, to empower me to walk in obedience and strength for whatever lies ahead.

Oh, His goodness and mercy have been given to me in immeasurable abundance, every single day since He called me out of darkness into His marvelous light.

He gives me a dwelling place, not just something to look forward to in heaven, but He comes to me and gives me glimpses of His glory, a time of refreshing where His mercies are new every morning. Tabernacled in Christ, I have a hope and a future that gives me an abiding relationship with a Holy God, today; and an eternal home, someday!

I praise God for the life of Bev Maday and the tremendous impact that she has had on so many lives on this earth. Tonight, I am sure that she is sitting at the feet of Jesus where her final earthly words ring truer than ever before: TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

If you are lacking anything in your life, hurting, lonely, sad, defeated or just tired, I challenge you to run quickly to the Great Shepherd who loves you with an everlasting love and is waiting to give you not only Salvation, but also a Hope and a Future, in Christ alone!

Monday, September 17, 2007

An Encouragement from a friend!

Although my life has been toooooooooooooooooooooooo busy to post lately, it was a very nice surprise to read my friend Dianne's blog and see that she had mentioned my name and included me in this honor.

It has been exactly one year since God has placed me in a place of tremendous responsibility at my local church. I am overwhelmed with gratitude that He would find me worthy of such responsibility.

During the past year, I have been so blessed with many opportunities to be transformed, renewed and strengthened. More days than not, God places a sweet friend in my life to encourage me, lift me up and to give me wise counsel to light the path that lies before me. Truly, I thank God for every single person that has been instrumental in the process of developing a new women's ministry.

With anticipation and excitement, I look forward to the upcoming year and all that God has instore for the women of FBCJ.

Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection]. He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2

Today, I challenge you to look only to Christ for direction in your life, trust that He alone will guide you and give you strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. Walk in the TRUTH and live in the Light of His love!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

What has been done to you is not important.
What has been done for you on the cross of calvary is all that is important.

All too often we walk around on this planet earth focusing on what has been done to us. We mumble, complain, stay depressed, look for comfort in food, drugs, people and other things. It is what I refer to as the "Eore, woe is ME" persona. Our focus is totally self absorbed and inward. We have to do what the scripture says in Colossians 3:1, "set your mind on things above and not on things of this earth..."

A horizontal perspective on life will leave you hopeless.
A vertical perspective will leave you hopeful.

Paul said it best, "Christ in me the hope of glory". The scriptures say, "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

So here's the challenge today:
Take a look at where you focus is placed today.
Ask yourself this questions:
Is what has been done to me more important than what has been done for me?
Is there anything in your life that is more important than the true knowledge of Jesus Christ?
How can I change my perspective and move it from horizontal to vertical?

Walk in the truth of II Cor. 10: 3-5 and choose to "take every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ".

Monday, September 3, 2007

Free Mamograms for Women

Free mamograms for indigent patients are available from corporate sponsors. Please go to the website below, often, and click the pink box and corporate sponsors will donate money to pay for mamograms for those who cannot afford a screening.

Thank you and remember to do your self-checks and get screened!