Friday, June 30, 2017

Publically Renoucing Beth Moore

God has faithfully and patiently changed my heart and led me gently through the process of sanctification over the course of my life as a believer, and for that I am very thankful. The process of sanctification is just that "a process". Since 2009, God has through the scriptures and sound biblical teaching led me away from the teachings of Beth Moore and having been in a place of women's leadership in a former ministry I feel it necessary to publically renounce all association with Beth Moore Bible studies and books, conferences that I led or attended, and repent of association with her materials.

Truthfully, when in a teaching position and asked to lead her Bible studies, I only taught a few studies Esther, Stepping Up, and Get Out of That Pit all of which were filled with some sound doctrine and understanding of the scriptures. As is customary when I taught, I always asked the participants to please have discernment in "chewing the meat and spitting out the bones". For me, being a member of a Southern Baptist Church meant that you basically taught Lifeway materials and of course Beth Moore is one of their more successful authors of Bible studies for women. If you would like to read more documented reasons for not reading or using Beth Moore materials please see the following website articles:


There are numerous website addressing the concerns with Beth Moore's unbiblical teaching and associations with other false teachers. I would ask you to forgive me for teaching her studies and ask God to give you discernment to see the error of her teachings as I did back in 2009-2010. When you seek the truth you will find it, I believe. God has been faithful to show me truth in His Word, and for that I am forever grateful.