Saturday, December 20, 2008

Congratulations to Lydia!

A proud mama congratulates her oldest daughter, Lydia, who graduated from the University of Georgia, yesterday, with a Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education. Lydia is officially finished with her formal education, for now, after being diligent for the past 20 years without a break. We are so proud of her accomplishments. She is currently a second year elementary school teacher and will continue to teach.


P.S. Bruce and I also celebrated our 27th Anniversary today!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

More pictures from the luncheon!

Leanne and Marlesa, "just two southern belles who lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvve PINK"

Marlesa Ball Greiner, Miss Georgia 1986

Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus!

Our ladies luncheon was awesome this past Saturday, I am so grateful for God's goodness to our women's ministry. Here are some photo's of last weekend, and as they say pictures are worth a thousand words:

Monday, November 10, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

The Christmas season is almost here! You may think, "wow, she has jumped the gun on Christmas this year!" Not so my friends, it is only 48 days until Christmas day, but Christmas begins this week at First Baptist Church of Jonesboro. The annual Ladies Luncheon will be hosted on Saturday, November 15, so in the next few days we will transform the ROC into a Christmas celebration. It is definitely one of the highlights of the year, with over 400 women guests and 53 tables individually decorated to display the hostess' joy of Christmas.

The following week we begin decorating the Living Christmas Tree and sanctuary for the Christmas program, another highlight in our church year. With all of the trees, celebrations, parties, programs and decorations, nothing compares to the real reason that I love Christmas. I love Christmas because I love the Christ of Christmas!

My heart grieves when I look at the depraved world around me and then I have hope, because of Christ. We have the answer for this lost and dying world and that answer if Jesus Christ--the real reason for the season! So this year, starting on Thursday for every light wrapped around a tree, I will be praying that I can become an even brighter light to shine forth the love of God. With each ornament, I will be praying that God will bring revival to my church, community and the colleges that my daughters attend. With every bow that I tie, I will be praying that God wrap His loving arms around my family for protection, guidance and provision.

This wonderful Christmas season, I choose hope, I choose Christ, I choose Light, I choose Peace, I choose Joy and I am so very thankful that the great God of the universe, who is Almighty, Holy and Divine..........chose me!

You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you [I have planted you], that you might go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit may be lasting [that it may remain, abide], so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name [as presenting all that I AM], He may give it to you.
John 15:16

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tough Times

These past few weeks have been very tumultuous in our country. The nation is witnessing one of the most unusual political campaigns in history and the economy is experiencing one of the greatest crisis since the Great Depression. In almost every conversation that I have with friends, family and even strangers, these issues seem to be at the forefront of our minds.

God is teaching me some amazing truths as I watch the changing history of our great nation unfold before my eyes.

Through His word, the Bible, I have been reassured that the great God of this universe is in total control of everything.

He promises that He "will never leave me or forsake me."

God alone is the satisfaction for my soul. Salvation secures our lives for all eternity and soul-satisfaction ensures abundant life on earth.

God gives great power, through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, for those whose believe!

I have to constantly "take every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ" and the weapons of our warfare are not of this world but spiritual weapons that will demolish every stronghold and anything that sets itself up against the true knowledge of God.

Prayer is the KEY to experiencing the practical reality of God's amazing peace.

Isaiah 26:3 states "You will keep me in perfect peace, when my mind is steadfast on You and I completely trust in You!"

Enjoying God's presence is possible and a great privilege in the life of a believer. Although times are tough and we are living in difficult days, there is hope and there is a future because of the finished work of Christ Jesus my Lord!

Today, is a bittersweet day for me as I remember the anniversary of my precious mama's homegoing to heaven. I truly thank God upon every rememberance of her life and the cherished memories that will always be with me. I am most grateful for her faithfulness to pour the truth of God's word into my life and for her prayers that have blessed me even after her passing. Although words can not describe how much we miss her, we continue to "rise up and call her blessed among women!"

In Loving Memory of Marcella Eldridge Wood
March 1, 1939 - October 22, 2004

Sunday, September 7, 2008

"For Such A Time As This"

Throughout the course of Biblical history, God has chosen to use women during very crucial times. One of my favorite stories from the Bible is the great story of Queen Esther. A beautiful young Jewish girl that God found favor with and used in a mighty way to save the Jewish people and change the course of history. The famous line from the book of Esther occurs when her uncle Mordecai challenges her to stand up for the truth and that God had placed her in the position as queen "for such a time as this." Esther followed God in obedience and was willing to risk her life to do so.

During the craze of the upcoming presidential election, I believe that God has chosen Sarah Palin, Govenor of Alaska, to be salt and light in this nation and to rise up in strength and power "for such a time as this."

Recently, I read a story told by Marilynn Blackaby in her new book Experiencing God Around the Kitchen Table where her husband, Dr. Henry Blackaby, had been impressed by God to meditate and really ponder a scripture from the Old Testament that says "when the foundations crumble, what will the righteous do?"

That seems to be the overwhelmingly pressing question for America today? The foundations literally crumbled on 9/11, and they continue to crumble very rapidly today. So, I ask you, what will the righteous do?

We need to PRAY, VOTE and campaign for the McCain-Palin ticket. Oh God, that you would have mercy on our country and grant us a President and Vice-President who cherish life and will fight to defend and protect this great land.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

HOPE revisited!

Since my last post I have had numerous comments about HOPE! A fellow blogger commented that God had given her another meaning of hope during a difficult time in her life...............

What an awesome perspective on what HOPE means! So I began thinking about how many different meanings that little four letter word can have in the life of a believer, because remember we are not people without hope when we are in Christ Jesus!


Think about the word HOPE and I would love to hear from you if you would share what God has done in your life. For now, I pray that you can continue to look to the future with hope!

God Bless!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


These past few days have been filled with many emails and phone calls requesting prayer for serious problems and real crises occurring in so many lives. It is very difficult to "set my mind on things above" when the things of this earth are painfully serious and gravely stressful.

Although the requests are too many to recount some of the ones that really got to me are listed here:

Baby Hodges, who is due in November, has been diagnosed with SMA and his big brother died this past January of the same horrible disease.

Persecuted Christians in China.

A friend from Sunday School has colon cancer.

Another friend who is pregnant discovered her husband has been unfaithful.

Financial struggles, custody battles, illness, injury, marriage discord and many other trials and tribulations.

As believers, how do we cope with pain and sorrow and not become despondent, bitter, or complacent about the tragedies and concerns of this world?

As I prayed this evening, the Lord reminded me of the answer to this question...


That's right, we have HOPE!

So I asked myself, what does HOPE mean to me? The Lord gave me this acronym:


No matter how discouraging this sad, sick world looks and no matter how bad the news and events of our lives are.......we are not a people without HOPE! Having an optimistic perspective on eternity, being very sure of my heavenly home, and knowing what the final outcome will be when the final story unfolds, the only choice I have is to face tomorrow with HOPE!

Thank you, God, that you give me HOPE and as the scriptures say, "Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

Well, my recent twelve day stay in north Florida has made the familiar chant from The Wizard of Oz", Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my.... take on new meaning.

Let me explain...My sister lives in Florida on a river. For years now I have been worried about the safety of her children living, swimming and playing in the river. Historically, I have fretted over the thought of alligators attacking one of them, as many of their family pets have disappeared. Four years ago, during another visit, two snakes greeted me on the stairway to the house.

Then a few months ago, I learned about sturgeon. A prehistoric fish that swims in the river and jumps into the air, often injuring boaters and swimmers. This weirdly armored fish throws a punch that is equivalent to being hit with 100 pounds of pressure, breaking limbs, causing concussions and serious damage to humans who are hit by them.

If that wasn't enough, last week when leaving her driveway around dusk a bigbear crossed the dirt road about 10 feet in front of my car. As I turned the corner onto the next road, our little bear friend stopped to watch the car. Wow, it was the second time in my life I have had a bear cross a road in front of my vehicle, but never as close to a home. Just the thought of a bear encounter is a little scary.

This weeks bear encounter has made me even more concerned about my sister's family and their safety. Alligators and Sturgeon and Bears, oh my!

The real truth is that we live in a world filled with darkness and danger all around. The scripture says that "the devil roams around like a roaring lion, seeking who he may devour." Whether the danger is real, visible, not visible or danger that we can not even recognize, it still exists all around us. As believers, we must daily ask God to place us in His protection, to guard our hearts and minds, to keep us from evil, and to make us aware of the evil one.

My prayer today is that I would never become lax about the evil of this world and the evil one who wants to destroy, and that God would protect and keep my family, friends and those I love. "But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you." Psalm 5:11

P.S. I am also thanking God for my home in the city!

Monday, July 7, 2008


These past weeks have been filled with fun, family, fellowship and a full schedule to say the least. Since my last post of the Princess Tea Party, our family has spent a week in Columbus, Georgia at the 2008 Miss Georgia Pageant. Our oldest daughter competed for the title of Miss Georgia. It was a great week! Not only did Lydia show up with her very best A game and perform beautifully every night, but we were blessed to get to spend the week with my immediate family, and throughout the course of the week we were able to have short visits with some very dear friends and from over the years.

It is always a humbling experience when people that you love drive long distances to participate in an event that is important to those you love. Visiting with old friends reminds me of God's faithfulness and goodness in our lives. As a self-proclaimed over achiever, I am always moving forward with the next goal or project in my life. Occasionally, it is very good for me to STOP and look back at God's faithfulness and where He what He has brought us through.

The house is quiet this morning, as the girls have returned to their respective colleges to begin a new school year. Gracie, our sweet little grand dog is back in Athens, where she belongs, Bruce is always at work, the house is clean and organized and I am left with my thoughts. Before I turn the page on the next chapter of my life, I just wanted to pause and thank God for His goodness and mercy to me and for allowing me to experience the joy of these past few weeks. Joy comes in many shapes and forms, but I am most grateful for the joy of family, friends, and the unfailing love and faithfulness of my Great God!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Princess Tea Party

This past Saturday, the women's ministry of FBCJ teamed up with children's ministry to host a Princess Tea Party. We seated 70 little princesses and 7 queen mother's for tea. These adorable little girls were greeted at the door by a grandmother in her tux, escorted into the room and greeted by the first princess; walked through a garden arch covered in toole bows and butterflies and jewels; then followed the grassy path covered in pink rose petals to another princess seated in front of a castle to have their pictures made wearing a beautiful tiara.

One by one the little girls entered and with each little princess the excitement in the room grew. There was time for a brief story or two that included some of my favorite books from the Fancy Nancy collection.

As the program began the little princesses were welcomed and then Lydia (my oldest daughter and Miss Carpet Capital 2008) was introduced to start the program. The girls were so excited to meet a "real" princess/queen. Lydia read a story to the girls entitled, "The Greatest Beauty Pageant of All." This was a story of Queen Esther in the Bible. Following the story Lydia shared the "10 Things Every Real Princess Needs". It was a great list of biblical principles for little girls to begin studying and understanding. The remainder of the program was a lesson in the proper rules of etiquette for tea.

Tea was delightful, served by the mama's in the room who were there to observe and participate. It was amazing to see how very hard the little ones were trying to obey all of the rules of tea and use their proper manners.

All in all it was a wonderful experience and a morning that will be remembered for a long time. To all of my little princesses: remember you are a "real princess" when you are a daughter of the King!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Stop to Smell the Roses!

The old adage "stop to smell the roses" is sometimes easier said than done. Life can become so busy that I feel pressured and pressed from every side. When this happens, and so often it does, I find it difficult to STOP to do anything much less smell the roses.

This Spring the roses in my garden and all over town have been extraordinary. On the fence row outside of our courtyard is the most lovely rose bush I have ever seen. The rose itself is an old fashioned climbing pink Cherokee rose. What makes it unique and special is that this is a rosebush that has been in my family longer than I have been alive. It is affectionately called the "Grandma Abbott rose". I am not sure that I have the story straight, but my great-great-grandmother is buried in the Oakridge Cemetery in Tifton, Georgia. At some point in time after she was buried, this rosebush was planted near her grave. I will have to check with my daddy to see if it was in her garden before it was transplanted to the cemetery.

Long story, short...I have had a cutting from that rosebush in Tifton for at least 12years. The transplanted bush and the babies have made it from the Cemetery to Jonesboro, to another family home in Tifton, to my daddy's home and now to mine. After one of the babies was transplanted to my home it lived in the shade of a pine island, basically ignored for several years. The bush never once bloomed in that location and never grew longer than a three foot straight shoot that laid on the ground. Seven years ago, when we built a pool, I moved the rosebush to a fence row next to my neighbors yard and hoped that it might thrive in the new location.

The laws of nature are true, with the proper sunlight, water and pruning, that old family friend has bloomed this year in glorious splendor. There must be at least 1,000 blooms covering the fence corner, climbing up the trees and spreading over an area covering about 50 square feet. It is beautifully, amazing!

So, with all of that said, God has graciously reminded me that when I am too busy to "stop and smell the roses" He loves me so much that He will bring the roses me. I have had no choice but to admire, enjoy and smell the roses this year.

What does it take for you to stop and smell the roses? Are you to busy? The "roses" in my life are the blessings for which I am eternally grateful. Sometimes I completely overlook the blessings and I am ashamed to say that sometimes I am so busy that I fail to humble myself before the Lord and just express my gratitude to God for His amazing grace and blessings in my life. Thank you, God, for the blessings in my life and for the gentle reminder from my glorious rosebush, that if I don't "stop and smell the roses", voluntarily, You will put those "roses" right in front of my face and force me to stop and smell them.

What catalyst is needed to bring you in alignment with the purposes and plans of God, today? Start by being grateful, if we are not, often times God will place a catalyst in our life to force us to "stop and smell the roses"!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Time for Tea!

The women's ministry of First Baptist Jonesboro hosted a Treasured by God Tea Party on Saturday morning at the church. It was a beautiful time as we gathered to share our lives with each other, enjoy a wonderful tea party and hear our guest speaker, Sherri Dodd share from her heart God's Word and message through her Tea ministry.

That may sound abit odd to you, if you were not there, but it it true. Through Sherri's love of collecting tea pots and teacups, a ministry to women has flourished. God really spoke to my heart in many areas on Saturday, one of which is that if we fail to use the talents and treasurers He has gifted us with we are not vessels fit for His use and glory.

Another of the lessons that she taught was that God pursues me, He hunts for me just like she searched all over Europe for tea sets. I am overcome with JOY that the God of the universe could love me so much that He would "hunt for me" not just the hunt for salvation but that He continually pursues me, drawing me to Himself for fellowship and abiding love. I am so grateful that God loves me more than I could ever imagine or even begin to comprehend.

For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are blameless toward Him. 2 Chronicles 16:8

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Matter of Opinion!

In my last blog, I mentioned that we have just returned from a "vacation" in Puerto Rico. I put vacation in quotes because often going on a vacation is harder work than staying at home in one's normal routine. Nevertheless, we prepared to take our annual business/vacation that we have been privileged to go on for 19 years.

This year's trip was to Puerto Rico and I was really looking forward to being at the beach, reading, and resting. The reading and resting did occur, but beach life was a bit disconcerting for two reasons: wind and iguanas. The wind blew at 30 mph the entire trip and never died down, not even for a minute. Wind and good hair days are not compatible. Even with the wind blowing constantly, I did venture out the first day to try and take a nap by the pool to rest from the early morning trip. Shortly, after dosing off to sleep, I hear this terrible noise above my head in a palm tree and someone shouts, "look at the lizards". When I opened my eyes to check out the "lizards", all I saw were two rather large creatures, fighting like there was no tomorrow. Mind you, the so called "lizard" was actually an iguana. The thought of iguana's fighting overhead made me a bit anxious.

The next morning I spent several hours studying my Bible and spending some much needed time with the Lord. One of the comments that I read in a devotional suggested that if you want to be a fearless person, you must face your fears, head on. I actually did not give that statement much thought until much later in the day. Shortly after noon, I ventured back out to the pool to try and get some sunshine. As I moved my beach chair in the position of the sun, I looked up to see a giant iguana about 2 feet in front of me, meandering across the grass. Needless to say, I immediately jumped on the chair and began looking up to see if there were any iguanas on the palm tree above.

Now, in my humble opinion, a lizard (which can frighten me from my fence gate when I walk by) is less than three inches long and are relatively harmless, even though we are not friends in any way, shape or form. A baby iguana, like the ones fighting in the trees the day before, are less than a foot long. But the iguana that I encountered at the pool on day two was not a lizard or an iguana, it looked like a dragon to me and had to have been at least 3 feet long. Not my personal idea of a friend or pet!

Quickly, I began praying that my husband would get out to the pool just in case I needed someone to defend me from the dragon. Fortunately, we did not see another dragon for several hours and then feeding time must have arrived. Right beside my chair struts a four foot dragon/iguana, who is not a happy beach lizard. He is followed by a younger, greener iguana, who scurries along at a much perkier pace. I only had two choices: stand on my chair and scream (which only put me about 3 inches higher off the ground than the iguana, who climbs palm trees) or to jump off of my chair in the opposite direction and pray that the mad iguana had not left his vegetarian lifestyle to consume a human.

Part one of the decision was easy, I jumped! Part two of the decision was a bit more difficult. I made the decision to face my fears. After all, there were two familiar sayings that flooded my mind at the same time. The first was "that which does not kill you, will make you stronger" and the second was from the morning devotional, "face your fears if you want to be fearless."

So for the next 30 minutes or so I followed the two iguanas around the pool deck to observe their behavior and conquer my fears about dragons. The older, more gray colored creature who was anxious, made his way to a group of resort guests chairs and became even more anxious as he felt trapped. This one reminded me of familiar human behavior. We run in a direction full steam ahead, not knowing where we are going and then we become trapped and anxious about the predicament that we find ourselves in. When trapped, the old iguana finally stopped long enough to evaluate the situation and look for the nearest place of refuge. For him, it was a group of shrubs where he could disappear undercover, and he did. Instead of being trapped and anxious because we run frantically in some direction that looks convenient, should we not always seek refuge in Christ alone! If we first run to Christ, then the word promises that the steps of the righteous are ordered.

The second iguana, who was apparently younger and more vivacious, did not run in fear; instead, he ran from chair to chair looking for food. When he finally found a willing family who was not afraid of him, he camped there for a while enjoying the fruit that was being thrown in his path. Willing to take a risk that the older iguana was not willing to take, he became vulnerable so that he might enjoy the blessings in store for him. Often times when we are willing to open up and become transparent, as humans, the blessings of the Lord become more obvious to us and to those around us. I admired the courage of the second iguana.

For me, I faced my fear of "lizards" with a much larger variety, thanking God that the iguana that I could see was not going to harm me. I still had some concern for the remainder of the trip about the iguana that might be lurking in the bushes that I was unaware of as I walked throughout the resort. That fear reminded me of what the scripture says about the devil, "he roams around like a roaring lion seeking those whom he may devour." I was also reminded that "we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood (the dragon/iguana/lizard) but against powers and principalities of the air." Our battles belong to the Lord and we need to march forward in faith not fear that the God who made us, loves us with an everlasting love and will protect us and guide us through this life.

So, I conclude that fear is often like the iguanas that I encountered in Puerto Rico - to some it is a lizard, to others an iguana, to me it was a dragon - it is definitely a matter of opinion!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Life in the fast lane!

These past few weeks have been busy beyond belief, praise the Lord my husband and I just returned home from a vacation in Puerto Rico. Although the trip was not my favorite, the time for rest, reflection, and relaxation was greatly needed.

Since my last post about the new Bible study class, the 30 dedicated folks who have taken this 50-day challenge to better health have tackled the first pillar of health, which is WATER! Water is the single most important factor in good health. After a couple of weeks of disciplined water consumption, it has become relatively easy to drink the recommended daily amount (1/2 your body weight.) The second pillar of health we will tackle next week is sleep. Sleep reminds me of the story of the three little bears, there is either too much, too little, and never just the right amount.

Through all of the activity of the past weeks, God has continued to show me His faithfulness in my life in a strong and powerful way. Women's ministry has experienced the wonder working power of God in so many ways. Damsels in Distress was a very successful program with guest speaker Martha Peace. Martha's testimony was powerful and the blessings of the evening were abundant. We are now preparing for our Treasured by God Tea Party and are prayerfully anticipating God's work in our midst.

As I daily strive to walk in fellowship with my heavenly Father, I continue to be reminded of His power and sovereign control in my life. This past week during our vacation, the wind blew 24 hours a day at 20 to 30 mph. I was amazed at the constant and unrelenting force of the wind. I was reminded of how powerful God is and how strong He stands on my behalf. When I am tossed and blown like the huge palm trees we observed from our hotel room, I know for sure that God is the one who created the wind, who breathes life into me and who upholds me with His strong hand.

With a grateful and renewed heart and mind, tomorrow starts a new week filled with new challenges, new places of trust and new mercies. Blessings as you continue to faithfully walk with the Lord. Off to bed to practice the second pillar of health - sleep! Good night!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

50 Day Challenge!

The Seven Pillars of Health is a book written by Dr. Don Colbert, a general practioner who believes that God has given us an outline for better health. The scriptures teach that "for lack of knowledge, My people perish." The modern day church is literally perishing because we refuse to eat, sleep, and live according to the divine plan that God has for His children.

This past Wednesday night I began teaching a new Bible study based on the Seven Pillars of Health 50 Challenge. It was exciting to see 29 people in attendance at the introduction class. We officially begin the challenge next Wednesday night and seek to walk in obedience to the commands of scripture where our health and well being are concerned.

My prayer is that we will experience victory as we walk in obedience to the scriptures and strive to not only tend our temples, but live the life of service that God would have us live each day!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Well, if you are so kind as to check my blog from time to time, you have obviously observed that I have not posted in a month. It has definitely been a month to remember. Following the student ministries retreat in January, our family set off for four straight weekends of watching our oldest daughter compete in Miss America preliminary pageants. From Athens to West Georgia to Macon to Dalton, it has been a whirlwind of gowns, shoes, luggage, hotels and cars arriving from all corners of the state. Coupled with the women's ministry Kick Off 2008 at FBCJ, which was a spirit-filled morning to remember.

With much gratitude, perseverance and due diligence, our daughter did win the title of Miss Carpet Capital 2008 and has earned her first trip to Columbus, Georgia to compete in the Miss Georgia Pageant in June. Congratulations, Lydia!

This past week has been filled with many plans for gown shopping, listening to possible talent music, and attending the Miss Fulton County Pageant last night.

All of this flurry of activity has reminded me just how important my quiet time with the Lord is and how easy it is to become distracted by the "things" of this world. So my determined purpose this day is to refocus my priorities and renew my mind in the Lord! My teaching retreat, The Offerings of My Heart, emphasizes the crucial importance of getting into the Word of God, daily, and renewing your mind. When we fail to do this with determination and purpose, we allow the MOST important relationship in our lives to slide to the back burner.

Romans 12:2 says, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind..." This butterfly will retreat to her cocoon for a time to be renewed and refocused.

As I challenged my daughter this morning, I would like to challenge myself and each of you to practice Colossians 3:1-4:

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your[a] life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

Even good things can be an easy distraction to the pursuit of holiness, this day I choose to pursue holiness!

God Bless!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Bella Butterfly!

What a busy time and it is only the 14th of January, 2008. I can hardly believe that just a few days ago I was recording my personal goals for the New Year and working hard to get all of the remaining glitter of Christmas off the hardwood floor.

You may wonder why this blog entry is entitled "Bella Butterfly", so I would like to share that with you. This past Friday night and Saturday morning, I had the great privilege of teaching a retreat for some of the young ladies from my church youth group. Prepared and a little stressed from the preparations, I was totally blessed by this special group of young ladies who gathered to study God's word and grow in their relationships with each other and God's word. The retreat was entitled "Bella Butterfly" which means beautiful butterfly. It was exciting to see these very beautiful young ladies who were eager to learn from God's word.

For over a year and a half, I have studied and taught the 12th chapter of Romans to various groups and at retreats, and I am amazed at how God has continued to teach me new truths from this passage each time I prepare to teach the scriptures. Hopefully, the truths that were shared and the scriptural priciples that were presented will have a life changing impact on those who attended. Great joy comes when you see the "light bulb" of revelation and truth sparked in the life of someone, especially a young person.

May God produce in each young girl who attended a transformed life that will not only grow into a fully matured, bella butterfuly, but also strengthen and encourage them through the truth of the Word to be the beautiful, godly, young lady that He has created them to be each and everyday. Remember, the only evidence of a transformed life is a transformed life! Be kind, be at peace with everyone, overcome evil, don't get revenge, love the Lord God with all of your heart, mind, and soul!

To my bella butterflies, your sweet smiles and joyful hearts are a blessing! Serve the Lord, well, today and everyday of your life!

Email me and share the random act of kindness that you have done since the retreat!