Monday, July 7, 2008


These past weeks have been filled with fun, family, fellowship and a full schedule to say the least. Since my last post of the Princess Tea Party, our family has spent a week in Columbus, Georgia at the 2008 Miss Georgia Pageant. Our oldest daughter competed for the title of Miss Georgia. It was a great week! Not only did Lydia show up with her very best A game and perform beautifully every night, but we were blessed to get to spend the week with my immediate family, and throughout the course of the week we were able to have short visits with some very dear friends and from over the years.

It is always a humbling experience when people that you love drive long distances to participate in an event that is important to those you love. Visiting with old friends reminds me of God's faithfulness and goodness in our lives. As a self-proclaimed over achiever, I am always moving forward with the next goal or project in my life. Occasionally, it is very good for me to STOP and look back at God's faithfulness and where He what He has brought us through.

The house is quiet this morning, as the girls have returned to their respective colleges to begin a new school year. Gracie, our sweet little grand dog is back in Athens, where she belongs, Bruce is always at work, the house is clean and organized and I am left with my thoughts. Before I turn the page on the next chapter of my life, I just wanted to pause and thank God for His goodness and mercy to me and for allowing me to experience the joy of these past few weeks. Joy comes in many shapes and forms, but I am most grateful for the joy of family, friends, and the unfailing love and faithfulness of my Great God!

1 comment:

Dianne said...

I have missed seeing you around but knew some of what you had been up to. I'm glad to see you back in blogville and appreciate the update. With any luck, I'll see you soon! :-)