Saturday, November 10, 2007

Seeing Jesus!

Well it has certainly been a few very busy weeks for this old butterfly. I am so grateful tonight for the steadfast love and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ. The women's ministry of our church has been very busy this year learning to crawl and walk in the path that God directs us. Today, we celebrated our annual Ladies' Luncheon.

Much prayer, thought, planning and preparation went into this luncheon. A week ago today, I did not see any way that I was going to survive this week, tonight I am just amazed at the work of the Lord in our fellowship at FBCJ.

There were many, many sweet ladies and many of our husbands who worked tirelessly to decorate, serve and setup for the 400 guests that attended the luncheon today.

So how did I see Jesus--He was all around in the hearts of those who worshiped Him in Spirit and Truth, He was there in the beauty of His Holiness, He was there in the hugs and love shared between great friends, He was there in the music and praise, He was there in every light that shined to remind us that He is the Light, He was there in the wreaths and garland because He is the divine creator, He was there in word because He is the Living Word, He was there in the glitz and glamour because He is robed in righteousness, and He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

When we see Jesus, we get a glimpse of the glory of God and all of the hope that a life in Christ promises.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Leanne, I KNOW how much of yourself you have poured into making today happen and from the depths of my heart, thank you. It was all just fabulous. You are a true gift to the women's ministry of our church and there are so many others who feel the same way. Your leadership, your walk with God and your committment to His purposes are evident. We need that...we need you...and I am so grateful to call you friend. Thank you for everything!