Monday, August 20, 2007

A Big Change in my daily routine!

O.K. I will start by confessing that I am very shallow when it comes to drinking coffee. I love my coffee and I drink about a 8 cup pot every morning. So it has been four whole days since I have had a cup of coffee. I am sure that the only spiritual application for attempting to give up coffee is that it is very important in the life of a believer to deny SELF. Thus my mission has begun.

One of my favorite hobbies is collecting beautiful antique tea cups and I use teacups in my home decor. They are each very unique and lovely much like each of us, created in the image of God yet all very different. In the pursuit of denying myself and obstaining from coffee, I decided yesterday that I would enjoy a cup of hot tea throughout the day to not only have a substitute available when the urge to grab a cup comes, but also to enjoy the theraputic benefits of delicious tea.

I just came in from doing the lawn and I have had a couple of no energy days thinking, I sure could use some caffine. When checking my email just a few minutes ago, followed a link to a blog that I have never visited before from my friend Dianne's blog and this is the little encouragement that God sent to me this afternoon:

God is so good, He even cares that I am going through caffine withdrawal and gently reminds me that not only is HE alone, enough for my life, but He will come and sip tea with me. He is the All Sufficient One, the One to whom we should fully rely on day by day and minute by minute. My prayer for you is that you would call upon the name of the Lord, the All Sufficient One and have your CUP filled to the full measure of His mercy and grace!


Dianne said...

You're so awesome Leanne! I probably would have looked at that picture and though about how sweet it was, but still wanted my caffeine. :-) One of the things I love the most about you is your ability to see spiritual lessons in EVERYTHING...even a picture on a blog! I just love you! :-)

Justabeachkat said...

Our God is awesome and His timing is perfect. Hang in there.


Dianne said...

I know things have been busy for you..but I've been missing your posts! :-)

Darlene Schacht said...

Hi, I'm just popping in to move you to the CWO blog ring and blog roll. There was an error in your URL, so it was delayed in going through. Welcome to the ring!