Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Busy Week

I can hardly believe that it has been a week since I posted, but a busy one it has been. It has also been a week of answered prayers, growing in grace, dealing with fears and disappointments.

You know, God is so good. He is the Sustainer, the Comfortor, the Peace-Maker, the Faithful One, my Hope, my Rock and my Redeemer. Last Friday, I had the great priviledge of hearing Beth Moore at Women of Faith in Atlanta. It was truly a blessing for several reasons.

So clearly, Beth presented the Truth from II Cor. 1:4-10 about comfort and the God of all Comfort who is our Source for all things. There was so much rich truth from which I can grow and be moved to a new place of service for the Lord.

The Bible study time was the first blessing and the second came from being with the wonderful ladies from my church with whom I shared this experience. At the conclusion of the conference, Beth asked each of us to make a prayer of comittment to God. I would like to share that prayer with you:

My Dear Sister,
The Maker of Heaven and Earth
Has His hand on you.
Don't trade what He has for you
For the comforts of this world.
Let the love of Christ compel you
And infuse you with courage.
God, even God, who created the heavens
Is the One who comforts you.
Whatever you do,
Don't refuse it!
His grace will guard you from bitterness
And Christ will turn your pain
Into Holy Passion.
Pour your life lavishly into others.
Humble yourself and share your hardships
That others may also share your comfort.
Live till you die!
Then live like there's no tomorrow!
For the King enthroned in Heaven
Is worthy of your all.
Now, go, Girl!
For the Father of Mercies
And the God of all comfort
Goes with you.
Bless be God
And bless be you!

It is my prayer that you would search the scriptures to find the God of all Comforts who comforts us in our time of need so that we might in turn share our story with others and provide comfort in return. Blessed are the merciful for they shall find mercy!


Justabeachkat said...

What a wonderful prayer!


Dianne said...

That's awesome Leanne. As I told you last night, I had skimmed this yesterday morning but didn't have time to read it to absorb it, so I didn't want to leave a comment until I did. SO, I just got home and knew I need to read it again...slowly, line by, TEARS straight to my eyes! So powerful, and I know, so true! I went to a Living Proof thing with another friend a couple of years ago and came home determined to be a Beth Moore groupie! She's awesome...and speaks straight to the heart. I'm glad you were able to go last Friday to hear her. If it hadn't been my mom's b'day and I didn't need to be around here, I probably would have gone too! Thanks for posting's great...and definitely something we ALL need to know. I think I'm going to post it on the mirror in my bathroom! :-)