Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Girl Talk

This past evening the women's ministry of our church hosted our first Girl Talk, a dinner event designed to encourage women of all ages to come together and take off their "church lady" masks and get real about the issues that affect their lives and daily walk with the Lord.

There were 60 women who attended and it was a nice evening for all. Many, many questions were submitted for our expert panel to answer. Questions ranging from raising children, submitting to a husband's authority, picky eaters, dating for single Christian women, lovely elderly women looking for a husband, to girlfriends spending time together without husbands being jealous. Frankly, I was amazed at how different many of the questions were and yet as I think about it today, there was one common thread.

The common thread that ran through all of the questions really boils down to the biblical issue of contentment! The married women have problems with husbands, in-laws and children...the single girls are looking for a man...the moms all need help raising their children..............

Whether lonely, frustrated, stressed out or struggling with the issues of life--basically we have to come to a place where we fully understand what Paul meant when he said, for whatever state I am in, there I will be content. Contentment comes when we can keep our eyes focused on the author and finisher of our faith.

The God of all comfort is here to comfort us and guide us and strengthen us through every single season of life and through all of the places where He is calling us to walk. Colossians 3:1 says set your eyes on things above and not on things on this earth. We are to be content with the lot that has been given to us. If we believe that God is soverign in our lives then we must come to a place of peace with the lot that we have been given.

What does this mean in a practical way: if you are married--love and respect the man your married to, if you are a mother--be grateful for the opportunity to raise the precious children with whom you have been entrusted, if you are single--embrace the freedom and privilege that you have to serve the Lord without hinderance, if you are lonely--look only to God for company and for Him to provide you with companionship you long for.

God is the All-Sufficient One and He is all that we need. So lean into Him, trust Him, pray that your thoughts would become agreeable with His will, and that you can find peace and contentment that passes all understanding.

Irregardless of your circumstances or season in life---be still...and know that He is God, a very good God who loves you with an everlasting love and only wants what is good for you all the days of your life!

Out of curiosity, what questions do you have about life as a female on planet earth that you need an answer to from a biblical perspective?


Dianne said...

Great post Leanne! I was really hoping you'd do this. I knew you could do it much more justice than I could and I was right. I linked to this from my blog tonight. I can't wait to see what kind of questions and response you (we) get! YEA!


Lyndy said...

I am here via Dianne's blog and I am so glad I came. Just what I needed to hear. Thanks for sharing.

A Captured Reflection said...

I came over via Dianne's blog and I'm so glad I did. How often we rail at the situation we are in, it's that 'the grass is always greener on the other side'. I adore being a wife to a wonderful husband, we battle to get enough time together from time to time, but it is for a season. We have 2 children aged 6 and 4 and sometimes it all gets a bit too busy and I wish for some solace, but truth is I am very grateful for my situation and content with the now, not thinking - life will become suddenly easier next week, next month just like that. Now is good, now, not worrying about tomorrow, thankful for today. When I first read this post I was frazzled, wishing for some time to chill by myself, as I continued reading contentment and gratefulness re-filled me. Thanks for this post.

Cheryl said...

I came to visit through Dianne's blog also. Enjoyed reading your post. We do seem to sometimes want what others have instead of being comfortable in the situation we are in. It makes me feel very thankful for my life. Thanks for your post.