Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thankful Thursday!

Over a month ago I saw this picture on a blog that I read and I wish that I could give credit where credit is due for the graphic. I downloaded it then and have not had the opportunity to use it until tonight.

This has been a week. It started with a busy Monday morning preparing to teach two different Bible study classes. After four hours of studying, I felt the urgency to "get all of my ducks in a row" and complete several other tasks that needed to be checked off of my list. As the day was winding down and supper was on the stove, I received a call from our youngest daughter and she was in a major crisis with her health, physically and emotionally. Quickly, I dropped everything and headed to Milledgeville, Georgia a two hour trip in the rain and dark.

Upon arriving at her house and seeing her, I quickly determined that she was in fact sicker than I had thought. I stayed with her until about two in the morning and went across town to check into a hotel for a very short night. Tuesday morning started with a trip to the school clinic, first to try and get her excused from class so that we could see a doctor. Did you know that you can't miss class, even if you are deathly sick?

We were quickly referred to an infectious disease doctor in Macon, Ga. However, they could not see her until today. In the meantime the diagnosis was a staph infection and cellulitous on her face with a serious sinus infection. While waiting to hear from the doctors office about an appointment, I called her uncle who is also a physician and he felt that she should begin a high powered antibiotic immediately. She took her first dose within an hour.

Late Tuesday evening I left her to come home. Yesterday, I spent most of the day on the phone with her doctors, the CDC, infectious disease doctors at Emory University and any other source that I could contact for information. Late Wednesday afternoon, I spent about 3 hours completing 18 hours of continuing education for my insurance license, and fell into bed exhausted.

This brings me to Thankful Thursday! This morning began early with getting dressed and preparing to leave to go and pick my daughter to get her to the doctor in Macon. Two hours to Milledgeville, 45 minutes to Macon, over two hours in the doctors office and an hour and a half home tonight!

So you must be wondering why I am thankful this Thursday evening. Well, I am so thankful to be home and to have my daughter home with me. I am so thankful that I do not have to work and that I am afforded the luxury of being available for my children and family. I am thankful for traveling mercies. I am thankful for medical professionals who want to try and get to the bottom of her problems. I am thankful for my husband who works so hard to provide for us. I am very thankful for my daughters. In all of the concern over Leslie's health issues I am thankful for her personal integrity and determination to continue on with her schooling, maintaining good grades. I am very thankful for the prayers of so many friends who have been faithful to remember us this week. And, most of all I am thankful for God's grace and mercy and for the wisdom and peace that He has given me all week.

Tomorrow, we will start over with her doctors in Atlanta at Progressive Medical trying some alternative therapies and IV's and wait for the results of the tests that were done today. Since tomorrow has worries of it's own, for tonight I am just thankful!

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