Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A word of warning!

Be careful about the words you post, they may come home to bite you. Yesterday's post,about all of the things that I have learned about anger was heartfelt and true. Today, those words were put to the test, BIG TIME! Can't say that I passed the test with much glory. The truth is that walking in victory and obedience requires a day by day, moment by moment effort and yielding.

May God help us when the next trial and temptation comes along and may you find a fresh victory through Christ. Be angry and sin not! Well I was angry today and I sinned, for that I am humbly repentant. LF

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Wow, Leanne. I'm sorry you had such a bad day. I thought about you several times and almost called when I left work, but knew you had several things going on today, so I didn't. I hope tomorrow goes better. Know that I care!

On another note...of our thinking and doing things alike, check out your post time and mine tonight...9:34...for both of us! Isn't that crazy? WOW!